2025 SOCIAL EVENTS JANUARY Thursday 23rd - TEXAS HOLD-EM CARD NIGHT - 6PM START Texas Hold-Em. $10 Buy In, no ALL-IN’s until 2nd all-around Entry Form FEBRUARY Thursday 20th - CHIP OFF THE DECK 6pm Start Everyone get 5 chances to knock it close from 50-70 yards. Top 3 in each division make it to the FINALS. COST $5 per try (limit 2)Please Sign up on the website by Wednesday the 19th, DO NOT just show up day of the event we need to get a head count. Entry Form MARCH Thursday 6th - 9 HOLE PUTTING Challenge - 6PM Start 9 hole putting course on the putting green under the lights with hazards and lots of OUT-OF-BOUNDS. Cost $10 Entry Form APRIL Thursday 3RD - 2 MAN WORST TEE SHOT SCRAMBLE on the W-9 - 5pM START Team of 2 players Scramble on ODD HOLES for 1 score, Best Ball on EVEN HOLES for 1 score. Cost $10 Entry Form MAY Thursday 1ST - 3 Clubs & A Putter W-9 -5:30pm start Played on the Williams 9. Cost $10 Entry Form JUNE Thursday 5th - HORSERACE ON Championship 18 - 6PM START Team of 3 players (A, B & C) compete in a horserace with PARA-MUTUAL BETTING. Cost $10 Entry Form JULY Thursday 10th - KP/UP & Down Challenge - 6pm start Make up your own team with the following hdcp spreads, Player A 0-9 Player B 10-16 Player C 17plus. 2 drives minimum for each player. Cost $10 Entry Form AUGUST Thursday 7TH - ANNUAL PUTTING CHAMPIONSHIP Qualifying from 4-6pm. Lowest 16 scores make it to the MATCH PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND. Cost $5 each try Entry Form SEPTEMBER Thursday 5TH - 3 Man Scramble W-9 - 4PM START Make up your own team for this event (0-7 hdcp / 8-15 hdcp / 16 + hdcp). Cost $10 Entry Form OCTOBER THURSDAY 3rd - DOLLAR DOLLAR DOLLAR PUTTING GAME - 6pm start Just bring your putter and fist full of dollar bills! Closest to the hole each time wins the pot full of DOLLARS! Entry Form NOVEMBER THURSDAY 14TH - Annual Membership Meeting/ELECTION NIGHT Election of Officers. Start Time 6 PM